Berea Municipal Court · Docket Entry
Entry DateFull Entry
4/3/2023 WARRANT BLOCK PROCESSING FEE of $15.00 assessed
4/3/2023 Warrant Block Sent to BMV
3/30/2023 Warrant issued for PROBATION VIOL on 03/30/2023
3/30/2023 NOTICE FEE of $50.00 assessed
3/30/2023 Warrant Notice Sent
3/30/2023 NA PV - issue warrant
2/1/2023 HEARING PROBATION VIOL. Notice Sent
2/1/2023 PROB VIOLATION set for 03/30/2023 at 09:30 AM in room 4 by Magistrate CHRIS GREENE
2/1/2023 CCS Violation Complaint Notice Sent
11/10/2022 The Attorney has submitted a fee bill past the 30 days from disposition date. The Court takes the following action: [ X ] Allow full payment of the fee bill in the amount of $150.00. [ ] Reduce fee bill by 50%, pay in the amount of $ . IT IS SO ORDERED.
11/10/2022 Fee Bill Late Notice Sent Volume 1 Page 5755
10/6/2022 Defendant in court, and consents to proceed forward before the Magistrate: [_x_] Defendant arraigned on Probation Violation. Defendant was read and acknowledges receipt of the Probation Complaint. [_x_] Defendant waives formal reading of Complaint. [_x_] Right to Counsel and Court appointed Counsel advisement given; [_x_] Defendant requests court appointed Counsel; defendant [_x_] is found to be indigent and the court appoints_____Steratore___________ [_x_] Hearing Held; based on the evidence, defendant found to be a Probation Violator by substantial evidence. [_x_] Admission [_x_] Failed to report to Probation Appointment(s).8/22 [_x_] Failed to complete following conditions of Probation _a) Drug/Alcohol Test - No Show 6/22, 7/22__________ Defendant is sentenced as follows: [x__] Continuation of Probation to: ___08/26/2023_____; on original terms and conditions. [_x_] OTHER:____Defendant to be tested 1x per month for next 3 months, CSW to be completed in next 120 days_______ IT IS SO ORDERED
10/6/2022 Adopting Magist Dec JE Notice Sent Volume 1 Page 4976
10/6/2022 PV JE Notice Sent Volume 1 Page 4975
8/1/2022 HEARING PROBATION VIOL. Notice Sent
8/1/2022 PROB VIOLATION set for 10/06/2022 at 09:30 AM in room 4 by Magistrate CHRIS GREENE
8/1/2022 CCS Violation Complaint Notice Sent
2/7/2022 Web Payment processed. Receipt: 2022300700 Amount $152.00 Confirmation # AR0F7C533120
2/7/2022 CREDIT CARD TRANSACTION FEE of $5.00 assessed
1/26/2022 Web Payment processed. Receipt: 2022300516 Amount $65.00 Confirmation # AP0F6ED067CF
1/26/2022 CREDIT CARD TRANSACTION FEE of $5.00 assessed
1/18/2022 Canceled PROBATION CONTEMPT OF COURT for 01/27/2022 at 01:30 PM in room 4 by Magistrate CHRIS GREENE
1/18/2022 probation contempt of court resolved upon receipt of contempt fee. contempt hearing canceled.
1/18/2022 CREDIT CARD TRANSACTION FEE of $5.00 assessed
1/18/2022 Paid $80.00 receipt# 2022300314 paid by TAYLOR MICHAEL CLARK
12/27/2021 Web Payment processed. Receipt: 2021310967 Amount $205.00 Confirmation # AM0F3F0B35A9
12/27/2021 CREDIT CARD TRANSACTION FEE of $5.00 assessed
11/30/2021 HEARING Notice Sent
11/30/2021 PROBATION CONTEMPT OF COURT set for 01/27/2022 at 01:30 PM in room 4 by Magistrate CHRIS GREENE
11/30/2021 Probation Contempt Notice Sent
11/30/2021 Web Payment processed. Receipt: 2021310251 Amount $65.00 Confirmation # AK0F8FF9CBB6
11/30/2021 CREDIT CARD TRANSACTION FEE of $5.00 assessed
10/26/2021 Paid $65.00 receipt# 2021309416 paid by TAYLOR MICHAEL CLARK
9/28/2021 Paid $65.00 receipt# 2021308576 paid by TAYLOR MICHAEL CLARK
9/28/2021 PAST DUE NOTICE Notice Sent
8/27/2021 Paid $65.00 receipt# 2021307727 paid by TAYLOR MICHAEL CLARK
8/26/2021 PAYMENT PLAN AGREEMENT Notice Sent
8/26/2021 BASIC 1 YR of $150.00 assessed
8/26/2021 The defendant appeared in open court and was advised of the nature of the charge, possible penalties, right to counsel, right to jury/court trial, other rights and the various pleas available.The defendant thereafter entered a plea of NO CONTEST to the charge. The court entered a finding of GUILTY to the charge.It is ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED that the defendant is found GUILTY of DISORDERLY CONDUCTORC/CO 2917.11, and is sentenced as follows:1) A fine of $50.00 plus all costs 2) A jail sentence of 5 Day(s) to be scheduled by the Traffic/Probation office. Jail time consecutive with other case(s) sentenced.3) Defendant shall be placed on Basic 1 Yr Probation. 4) Court to allow defendant to perform Community Service Work at 1 day of jail for every 10 hours worked in lieu of the following number of days jail: 5 day(s). 5) To remain a law abiding citizen, with no further Criminal or Traffic Offenses. 6) Follow all rules and regulations of Probation. All Probation Conditions set forth are to run concurrent with the charges sentenced on this date. 7) Comply/complete all programs/treatment ordered by Probation Officer. 8) You are ordered to take and pass random drug and/or alcohol testing as ordered by your Probation Officer. The tests will be at your expense. 9) Defendant advised that failure to comply with any and all conditions of Probation will result in the imposition of the maximum penalties allowed under the charge of which defendant was convicted.
8/26/2021 Sentencing JE Notice Sent Volume 21 Page 3106
8/26/2021 Confinement Jail Time Sentenced 5 Day(s)
8/26/2021 Finding of GUILTY entered for 2917.11 - DISORDERLY CONDUCT
7/16/2021 Hearing Notice Card Notice Sent
7/16/2021 SENTENCE set for 08/26/2021 at 01:30 PM in room 3 by Judge MARK A. COMSTOCK
7/14/2021 PSI 8/3/21 at 10am
7/13/2021 Charge Amended from 2909.06 CRIMINAL DAMAGING/ENDANGERING M2 0 points to 2917.11 DISORDERLY CONDUCT M4 0 points by Prosecutor on 07/13/2021
7/13/2021 MOTION TO AMEND of $75.00 assessed
7/13/2021 Chang oe plea p/nc, f/g, refer to psi
7/13/2021 Plea of NO CONTEST entered on 07/13/2021
7/13/2021 By agreement of the parties, the Prosecutor moves the Court to accept a plea to the following charges: Count 1 amend to ORC 2917.11DCM-4 Additional Notes regarding Plea: Probation and Probation to determine if he makes restitution.
6/9/2021 Hearing Notice Card Notice Sent
6/9/2021 PRE-TRIAL set for 07/13/2021 at 01:00 PM in room 2 by Judge MARK A. COMSTOCK
6/8/2021 Upon completion of Telephonic Pretrial: Discussion regarding resolution have been had, continue at Attorney/Defendant request, reset case for: Prosecutor in-person docket: Pretrial. Reset in 30 days.
5/27/2021 Phone PT - TWP Notice Sent
5/27/2021 TELEPHONIC PRETRIAL set for 06/08/2021 at 01:00 PM in room 2 by Judge MARK A. COMSTOCK
5/27/2021 Written APPLICATION OF INDIGENCY filed by Defendant on 05/27/2021
5/27/2021 Defendant found indigent. Court appoints BENJAMIN WILLIAMS as counsel.
5/27/2021 Plea of NOT GUILTY entered on 05/27/2021
5/27/2021 Right to speedy trial waived by defendant on 05/27/2021
5/27/2021 Judge MARK A. COMSTOCK assigned to case
5/17/2021 Case Filed on 05/17/2021
5/17/2021 ARRAIGNMENT set for 05/27/2021 at 09:00 AM in room 1